Frequently Asked Questions
Your Questions, Answered
What do I bring to my tax clinic appointment?
You need to bring at least one piece of government issued photo ID. This can be your driver’s license, Ontario photo card, Health Card, or Passport. We require your ID to verify your identity prior to filing a tax return on your behalf.
Government Issued Photo ID
SIN numbers are necessary to file your tax return (note that SIN numbers that begin with a "9" are also accepted). If you do not have a SIN number, but would still like to file your taxes, you may apply for an Individual Tax Number (ITN).
SIN number or ITN number
You must bring digital scans of every tax slip that you have received from all sources (employer, university tuition, government benefits). If you have a CRA MyAccount then you can easily get these slips through the “Tax information slips” section. If you don’t have a CRA MyAccount then you will likely receive your tax slips through the mail. For guidance on where to find your tax slips, you can refer to our Finding My Tax Slips webpage.
Scans of tax slips
What are my responsibilities as a client of the tax clinic?
Filling out the client intake form to determine if your tax situation is eligible for the tax clinic.
Showing up to your appointment at the scheduled date and time with a photo ID, SIN number (or ITN number), and scans of all relevant tax slips (for help finding your tax slips you can refer to our webpage on the topic).
Reviewing your completed tax return (when it is emailed to you) and ensure the receipt of tax return via email.
Presenting your income and tax situation truthfully.
What are the tax clinic’s responsibilities?
Reviewing your client intake form, determining if your tax situation is eligible for the tax clinic, and emailing you a response by March 11th, 2023.
Booking your appointment with the tax clinic based on the availability you indicated on your client intake form.
Preparing your tax return by 4 PM on the day of your appointment and emailing it to you for your signature.
Electronically filing your tax return with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) upon receiving your signed consent.
Deleting all your personal information from our computers immediately after submitting your tax return.